Life is largely a matter of expectation.
You must expect to succeed, if you want to succeed.
When you expect things to happen, strangely enough,
They do happen.
Expectation energizes your goals and give them momentum.
When you believe something good can happen, it will happen.
Set your goals high.
If you begin with some wild expectations
You'll succeed beyond your wildest expectations.
The dreams you believe in MUST come to be.
If you're willing to pay the price, any of your circumstances will change.
If you want something badly enough, you're sure to get it.
Obstacles don't matter very much.
Pain or other circumstances can be there.
But if you want to do something bad enough,
You'll find a way to get it done.
Your desire will in time externalize itself into concrete fact.
Your reality will form around your commitment to succeed.
Desire is the fire of life.
You only have to love a thing greatly to get it.
Your destiny isn't a matter of chance, it's a matter of choice.
It's not something you wait for, but rather something you pursue.
Don't wait for extraordinary opportunities.
Seize common occasions and make them great.
Opportunities sometimes come disguised
In the form of misfortune or temporary defeat.
Start where you are.
You're at this moment standing right in the middle of opportunity.
Act on your dreams and you can have them.
It's a universal law: You have to give before you get.
You must plant your seeds before you reap the harvest.
The more you sow, the more you will reap.
In giving to others, you will find yourself blessed.
The law works to give you back more than you have sown.
The giver's harvest is always full.
Those that obtain have little.
Those who scatter have much.
Nature does not give to those who will not spend.
"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity;
an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."
- Winston Churchill: a British statesman, author, and soldier
"There are many paths to enlightenment.
Be sure to take one with a heart."
- Lao Tzu: a Chinese philosopher
"Faith is a state of mind that can be induced
Through auto-suggestion" - Napoleon Hill
When "bad" things happen to "good" people,
It's often because they want to become even better teachers,
Better guides and helpers to those precious souls
Who will one day need them to be their rock.
Plus, today's bad is always tomorrow's boon,
No matter who you are,
No matter what has happened,
No matter how bad it seemed.
"As we let our light shine,
We unconsciously give other people
The permission to do the same."
- Marianne Williamson
If you look to others for fulfillment,
You will never truly be fulfilled.
If your happiness depends on money,
You will never be happy with yourself.
Be HAPPY with what you have; BUT NEVER SETTLE;
Rejoice in the way things are.
When you realize there is nothing lacking,
The whole world belongs to you.
"I found that when you start thinking
And saying what you really want,
Then your mind automatically shifts
And pulls you in that direction.
And sometimes it can be that simple,
Just a little twist in vocabulary That illustrates your attitude and philosophy."
- Jim Rohn
"Energy flows where attention goes" - unknown
- What is the principle of auto-suggestion?
- Can I translate my dreams into organized thoughts?
- Am I a practical dreamer that never quit?
- Am I conscious of the dynamics of my subconscious mind?
- Do I refuse the beliefs that I don't understand or am I open-minded?
- What is faith and desire, and is there a difference between desire and burning desire?
- Am I a seeker of truth, then why am I here?

Who is Bob Proctor?- find out in "The Science of Getting Rich"
Imagine landing on just one solution that catapults you to the life you always wished you'd have, one that's abundantly rich and rewarding in every facet. My exposure to Bob created a “mind-shift” – that’s the best word I can think of. Within ONE day I changed the way I looked at and approached my business. And its never been the same, upward motion, ever since!