Thursday, September 30, 2010

Vitamins for the Mind

"It only takes one lie to taint your entire testimony in a court of law.
Honesty is a vital part of having a good reputation."
~ Jim Rohn

You can do anything in this world you want to do, but you must want to do it badly enough.
You really can have everything you want, if you go after it. You have to want it first.
The first ingredient of success is desire.
Do you know what you want? Your desire is the planting of your seed.
Your desire for success must be so strong within you that it's the very breath of your life.
It must be your first thought when you wake in the morning,
and your last thought when you go to bed at night.
You can be whatever you make up your mind to be.
What's in your mind is all that counts.

"First comes thought; then organization of that thought, into ideas and plans; then transformation of those plans into reality. The beginning, as you will observe, is in your imagination."

~ Napoleon Hill: a personal success author and lecturer

"In all things, be willing to listen to people around you. None of us is really smart enough to go it alone."
~ John Clendenin

"People keep looking outside themselves for the money. It's inside."
~ Stephen Pierce: Internet marketer, author, speaker

"I believe that the very purpose of life is to be happy. From the very core of our being, we desire contentment. In my own limited experience I have found that the more we care for the happiness of others, the greater is our own sense of well-being."
~ Dalai Lama: a Tibetan Buddhist leader

"Keep trying" is the rule that must be followed to be successful at anything.
Your success will always be connected with your actions.
Just keep moving towards your goal.
You'll make mistakes but don't ever quit.
You may even have to hang on after others have let go.
Persistence means taking pains to overcome every obstacle, 
to do all that's necessary to reach your goal.
In the end, the only people who fail are those that do not try.
Your future is a big adventure.
Just remember, all great achievements take time.

There is no detail so small, no thought however fleeting, no word unspoken, no deed mindlessly performed, that doesn't send its vibration into the unseen, where it echoes and returns as more of the same.

And as your cumulative manifestations draw your attention to the stunning and absolute power you have over your destiny, you'll come to see that, really and truly, there's no such thing as a small detail.

You have the keys to the Kingdom... make it work in your favor.
"Business and life are marathons, just like the Iditarod. We have to strategically pace ourselves in order to achieve success."
~ Chris Fuller

"Heaven on Earth is a choice you must make, not a place we must find."
~ Wayne Dyer: Motivational author and lecturer

You gain the advantage in any situation through one medium: time
You can do things before they need to be done.
You can position yourself ahead of time in the best place.
Think ahead of any approaching action.
Make a plan and you will always have the advantage.
Let your advance worrying become advance thinking and planning.
The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining.
In life, as in chess, forethought wins.
"We have committed the Golden Rule to memory.
Let us now commit it to life."
~ Edwin Markham

"Your power is proportional to your ability to relax."
~ David Allen: Productivity consultant, author, and lecturer

"I remind myself every morning: Nothing I say this day will teach me anything. So if I'm going to learn, I must do it by listening."
~ Larry King

People who try to do something and fail are infinitely better than those who try to do nothing and succeed.
Experiencing failure is inevitable on your journey to be successful.
Each defeat is merely an installment to victory.
You'll find that the number of times you succeed is in direct proportion to the number of times you fail and keep trying.
You won't be judged by the number of times you fail, but by the number of times you succeed.
Failure is nothing but education, nothing but the first step to something better.
You can't be a winner and be afraid to lose.

It's best to start the discipline of generosity when the amounts are small.
It's easy to give ten cents out of a dollar; it's a little harder to give a hundred thousand out of a million.
Giving is better than receiving because giving starts the receiving process.
Here's what is exciting about sharing ideas with others: If you share a new idea with ten people, they get to hear it once and you get to hear it ten times.
Sharing makes you bigger than you are.
The more you pour out, the more life will be able to pour in.
Somebody says, "Well, I can't be concerned about other people.
About the best I can do is to take care of myself."
Well, then you will always be poor.
What you give becomes an investment that will return to you multiplied at some point in the future.
Only by giving are you able to receive more than you already have.
~ Jim Rohn

“You never know when one kind act, or one word of encouragement, can change a life forever.” 
~ Zig Ziglar

"When your values are clear to you, making decisions becomes easier."
~ Roy Disney

We don't stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing.
~ George Bernard Shaw

People with goals succeed because they know where they're going.
~ Earl Nightingale

"The major value in life is not what you get. The major value in life is what you become. That is why I wish to pay fair price for every value. If I have to pay for it or earn it, that makes something of me. If I get it for free, that makes nothing of me."
~ Jim Rohn

The power to hold on in spite of everything, to endure, this is the quality of a winner.
Your greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising every time you fail.
It's your constant and determined effort that will eventually break down all resistance
and sweep away all the barriers before you.
Persistence means taking pains to overcome every obstacle,
to do all that's necessary to reach your goal.
All great achievements require time. Endurance is the crowning quality of success.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Trade Needs of the Moment

We are looking for legitimate crude and refined oil products to buy and sell; we are fit, willing and able to take it down as early as possible. However, we are not in a position to issue an MT799 under any circumstances ever. Our community of buyers (mostly majors) do not participate in the broker / allocation gobble gook. If you feel that your deal is real then we are going to need to talk one-on-one with "The Title Holder", not a broker.

Usually, our talk will get to the nuts and bolts and in most cases when MT799's are requested, the so-called seller does not have 'Title' to the product. If you are not a principal, please provide us some basic infor and take a secured and guaranteed back seat to allow us secure and close the transaction.

So in order for us to move swiftly, please provide us with the following 8 KEY ITEMS:
1st. Where is the D2? How much is in-the-tank?
2nd. Full Name of the Title Holder Company.
3rd. Where is the Title Holder registered to do business? What country and province?
4th. What is the land line phone number of the Title Holder?
5th. What is the identity of the (papered) Mandate?
6th. Where are they registered to do business? What Country and province?
7th. What is the Mandate's land line phone number?
8th. Most often, we will request a Soft Corporate Offer, or better a Draft Contract.

An acceptable procedure would look like this:
1st. Seller/Title holder will send a confirmation letter with a statement that (Title Holder) is the owner free and clear of this QTY (e.g. 3m bbls of JP 54 spot in Rotterdam) along with the SCO.
2nd. After receipt of both documents, a conference call will be set up between Seller and an officer from the Buyer (Major) to talk one-on-one.
3rd. The Major issues a confirmed Purchase Order for this product.
4th. Seller will sign, seal and return this Purchase Order to Buyer (Major) along with a Dip Test permission.
5th. The Purchase Order Number will be placed on the Commercial Invoice and the Seller will send the Commercial Invoice, SGS reports and Tank Receipts either directly to the Buyer or via bank-to-bank. Whichever was decided during the phone call between the Buyer (Major) and the Seller/Title Holder.
6th. After verification of POP documents, the Major will issue an MT103 for all liftable product.
7th. Lifting Commences.

Other acceptable procedure:
1st. Seller issues FCO - Full Corporate Offer (OTS, Offer To Sell);
2nd. Buyer issues verifiable P/O - Purchase Order;
3rd. Buyer and Seller complete Contract Agreement and lodge in their respective Banks;
4th. Seller sends Commercial Invoice and partial verifiable POP to Buyer including Tank Storage Receipts and SGS Reports;
5th. Buyer issues proper payment of MT103/23 to Seller for Products in Tanks against Title Name Transfer;
6th. For subsequent deliveries, Seller issues Non-Operative 2% Performance Bond (Bank to Bank);
7th. Within five banking days, Buyer issues RDLC; of that would automatically activate PB;
8th. Shipments start per schedule and payment paid in full against presented full supporting documents;
9th. The Payment is released by Buyer’s Bank to the Seller once the commodity has been delivered without delay (immediately). SGS report will specify quantity in Metric Tons of delivered commodity and quality according to specifications.

"I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, his greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is that moment when he has worked his heart out in good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle, victorious".
~ Vince Lombardi

"The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek."
~ Joseph Campbell: a mythologist, author, and lecturer

"The human brain makes up only 2% of your body weight; however it consumes 20% of the oxygen you breathe in. You can actually increase your creativity and learning power by taking a few minutes to relax and breathe deeply before starting any new project."
~ Healthy Tip

"Patience is the ability to let your light shine after your fuse has blown."
~ Bob Levey

"It's OK to send flowers, but don't let the flowers do all the talking. Flowers have a limited vocabulary. About the best flowers can say is that you remembered. But your words tell the rest."
~ Jim Rohn

Success is loving what you do; "the passion that lies within you must be discovered."
~ Laurie Calzada

Miss a meal if you have to, but don't miss a book.
Some people claim that it is OK to read trashy novels
because sometimes you can find something valuable in them.
You can also find a crust of bread in a garbage can,
if you search long enough, but there is a better way.
Most homes valued at over $250,000 have a library.
That should tell us something.

Everything you need for your better future and success has already been written.
And guess what? It's all available. All you have to do is go to the library.
And there's probably a library in every neighborhood.
Some people read so little they have rickets of the mind.
I now have one of the better libraries. I admit that I haven't read everything in my library,
but I feel smarter just walking in it.
Don't just read the easy stuff. You may be entertained by it, but you will never grow from it.
The book you don't read won't help.
Books are easy to find and easy to buy. A paperback these days only costs six or seven dollars.
You can borrow that from your kids!
It isn't what the book costs; it's what it will cost if you don't read it.

You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it come true.
The achievement of your goal is assured the moment you commit yourself to it.
If you have the desire, you have the power to attain it.
You can have anything you want in life, if you will sacrifice everything else for it.
Your dreams can come true, if you pursue them.
Where there's a WILL, there's a ALWAYS a WAY.

"We are not human beings on a spiritual journey. We are spiritual beings on a human journey."
~ Dr. Stephen Covey: Best-selling author and professor

People who try to do something and fail are infinitely better than those who try to do nothing and succeed.
Experiencing failure is inevitable on your journey to be successful.
Each defeat is merely an installment to victory.
You'll find that the number of times you succeed is in direct proportion to the number of times you fail and keep trying.
You won't be judged by the number of times you fail, but by the number of times you succeed.
Failure is nothing but education, nothing but the first step to something better.
You can't be a winner and be afraid to lose.
Most of the things you worry about will never happen.

Vitamins for the Mind
Sowing and Reaping ~ by Jim Rohn
You must get good at one of two things: sowing in the spring or begging in the fall.
God has the tough end of the deal.
What if instead of planting the seed you had to make the tree?
That would keep you up late at night, trying to figure that one out.
Plant, don't chant.
One of my good friends always says, "Things don't just happen; things happen just."
The soil says, "Don't bring me your need, bring me your seed."

"Human beings have the remarkable ability to turn nothing into something. They can turn weeds into gardens and pennies into fortunes."
~ Jim Rohn

"Success, real success, in any business requires a sense of urgency, a sense of personal mission."
~ Ken Carnes

"You can begin now to give your heart perhaps the most important thing it needs "a reason to keep beating" and it starts by knowing that every moment matters."

~ Mehmet C. Oz, M.D.

"Possession of material riches, without inner peace, is like dying of thirst while bathing in a lake."
~ Paramahansa Yogananda: Was an Indian yogi and guru

When you're sure you're on the right road to success you don't have to plan your journey too far ahead.
Don't burden yourself with doubts and fears as to the obstacles that may bar your progress.
You don't need to know all your answers in advance.
Just have a clear idea of the goal you want to reach.
You can only take one step at a time.
Once you muster up the courage to begin, you'll find the courage to succeed.
It's the job you never start that always takes the longest to finish.
You can have all that you desire if you ACT on your dreams.
Being the B.E.S.T. ~ by Jim Stovall
In our society, we revere those who are the best at what they do. Chants of "We're #1" are heard frequently. If we want to be the BEST at whatever we do, we've got to break it down into its individual components.

"B" is for Balance. It is the element that keeps our lives stable. We've all heard about superstar athletes, multi-millionaires, and movie stars who wreck their health or family relationships in their quest for greatness. No matter how much we achieve in one area of our life, if we lose the overall perspective that we are many-faceted beings, we can never be successful.

If we want to have balance in our lives, we are going to have to be proactive. Most of us plan our workday. We have things we are going to try to do, things we really need to do, and the ever-present list of "things we better do today, or there will be no tomorrow!" But how many of us really plan,with the same degree of diligence,our family time, recreation time, exercise, etc?

Several years ago, my wife Crystal and I began a tradition. We take the week between Christmas and New Year and focus on the things we have done in the previous twelve months and those we hope to do in the twelve months to come.

We plan our leisure time and focus on where we are in each area of our lives. While I have certainly not reached the levels I want to in every area of my life, this practice has brought a degree of balance to me that I had never known before.

Most of us spend all of our time, effort, and energy on professional and business pursuits, and the other areas of our lives get whatever is left over or, in too many cases, they get shoved completely aside.
Balance means investing in yourself in every area of your life.

"E" is for Enthusiasm. This is the first thing we receive when we enter this world as the doctor slaps us on the backside, and the last thing we give up before they close the coffin lid. I have had the privilege of interviewing superstars from the worlds of entertainments, sports, and politics. The one thing that each of these individuals have in common is a tremendous passion or enthusiasm for what they do. If you don't feel that kind of daily passion, as you pursue your life goals, you need to either get a new career or a new attitude about the career you currently have.

I remember interviewing Katharine Hepburn. When I asked her what she would have done with her life had she not pursued show business, she replied, "If they did not pay me to be an actress, I would have to find another way to support my acting habit. I have an innate need to do what I do."

This type of enthusiasm will bring you an Academy Award or whatever is the highest honor in your field.

"S" is for Single-mindedness. This is the ability to focus on one thing at a time. This does not mean we are one-dimensional in our lives. It simply means, when we are working, we work; when we are playing, we play; and any other task we choose to undertake receives our total attention and focus.

We spend far too much time living in the past, worrying about things that cannot be changed or living in the future, planning for eventualities that may never come. If we will live in the moment, we will find that mistakes of the past and frets of the future simply fade away.

If something is worth investing your time in right now, it deserves all of your attention.

"T" is for Tenacity. This is the one element that will always result in eventual success. As a blind person myself, I could hit a baseball thrown by the best pitcher in the major league if you would let me keep trying until I succeed. The immortal message from Winston Churchill echoes down through the years, "Never, never, never, never, never give in."

The whole world belongs to the man or woman who realizes that the game is not over until you quit; and when it comes to your dreams and goals, remember that it is always too soon to quit.

Go out and be the B.E.S.T.
Today is the day!

Monday, July 26, 2010

We Need "BUYERS"!!!

If you are an end-buyer/agent/mandate, we would be glad to review your needs. Please consider the basic information that we will require from you for starters, plus our preferred procedure:

  1. Product: AGO - Atmospheric Gasoil (for example)
  2. Specifications: XYZ...
  3. Quantity: XYZ in mt/liters/bbls, pieces, etc.
  4. Payment: UCP600 Letter of Credit: Non Transferable: Non Cumulative Revolving Guaranteeing 12 months total contract quote-payable at sight of clean delivery documents- Renewable one month before total contract expiration at seller’s option.
  5. Performance Guarantee: Buyer requires 1.50 to 1.75 PG issued as an ISP98 SLC upon Acceptance of the Buyers financial instrument.
  6. Contract Period: 12 x 12 x 12 per a total of 36 months
  7. Delivery: Price quote: Strictly FOB Incoterms “Named Port of Shipment’
  8. Delivery Schedule: (1) 1st delivery date must be stated.
    1. Seller accepts quote and applies firm price basis- (Allow 5 days)
    2. Buyer confirms quote, Seller issues full offer
    3. Buyer accepts full offer, Seller issues Draft Contract
    4. Formal Contract signed returned by e-mail and overnight courier
    5. No. 2 to 4 above to be completed within 28 days; ...thereafter;
    6. Buyer issues financial instrument /Seller advises acceptance (Allow 5 days)
    7. Seller advises bank issued ISP98 SLC PG (Allow 3 days)
    8. Buyer accepts SLC PG, Seller initiates reservation of berthing at loading terminal
    9. Buyer advises reservation/ Seller advises name of each ship, ETA, Flag;
    10. First delivery Initiated, Documents produced
    11. At sight collection on DLC applied.
    12. Next shipment initiated- For a further 11 months delivery
    13. Buyer to advise Seller one month before final shipment if contract is to continue with the shipment for a further 12 months. New Financial instrument advised.
  10. RULES: UCP600, ICC Incoterms 2000, URC 522, and the ICC Rules of Agency.
  11. Language: English language; with English common law of contract
  12. Buyers Advice required:
    1. Price application benchmark - transparent and searchable on the internet
    2. Specific Port of loading
    3. Confirmation of Grade
    4. Confirmation of Delivery date (later but not earlier)
    5. Name and Country of Bank accepting DLC
We serve as Buyer-Seller in our trades. By this, we mean buying and selling products of diverse kinds while still serving as Manufacturers' Representative in some other cases where doing so would only make the best business sense. We thrive on the strength of our firmness, reliability, and trustworthiness.

Our primary goal is to 'help our clients reach more', in all sense of the word. To this end, we tirelessly and diligently provide for our clients, but more importantly we ensure that each party experiences a win-win situation at all times. We will negotiate trade terms, process transactions, close and conclude transactions. Take note that for us to consider and proceed with any proposed trade, we will ask you to provide the following critical preliminary data: 
  • In the case of a Seller:
    1. Where is the Seller's product under consideration?
    2. How much is in-tank, vessel, or storage and for how long has product been in there? 
    3. What is the Full Name of the Company in Ownership (a Title Holder)? 
    4. Where is the Titleholder registered to do business? What country and province? 
    5. What is the landline phone number of the Titleholder? 
    6. What is the name of the papered Mandate? 
    7. Where is the Mandate registered to do business? What Country and province? 
    8. What is the Mandate's landline phone number?
    9. And, most often, we will also request for an "OFFER TO SELL" (OTS), aka "Soft Offer".
  • In the case of a Buyer:
    1. What is the product and quantity of product under consideration?
    2. What is the name of the End-Buyer (principal contact)?
    3. What is the landline phone number of the principal contact?
    4. What is the Legal Corporate name of the buying company?
    5. Where is the company registered to do business? Its legal address MUST include Country and Province?
    6. What is the landline phone number of the company?
    7. Who is the authorized procurement officer for the company?
    8. What is the landline phone number of the authorized procurement officer of the company?
    9. We will also ask that our "REQUEST FOR QUOTE" (RFQ) be filled by the End-Buyer, (end-buyer or its authorized rep may ask for our RFQ format? 
If you are still reading this note, we congratulate you as one of the few who is sincerely interested in closing/consumating a transaction. We welcome deals from all professionals, however, we will not accept offers from ghost buyers/principals. This refers to a situation where we do not have direct access to principal traders in view. To allay the usual fears among agents and affiliates, we do provide an Irrevocable Perfomance Guarantee (IPG) to everyone that makes it possible for us to directly access the principal traders under consideration. All referring or facilitating agents, brokers, adn professionals will thereafter take a back seat with our IPG in hand in order to allow us carry on with what we require to successfully close on our deals. As you may know, 99% of deals from professionals, agents and brokers in this industry are bogus; not solely because they are not who they claim to be, but also because most of these people lack the wherewithal to successfully close on these complex transactions. Therefore, in order not to be part of this terrible statistics of predictable deals that fail, we have put in place certain guidelines to help weed-out the unwanted.

So if you are not directly connected to an END-BUYER, SUPPLIER, REFINERY, or MANUFACTURER (i.e. the official TITLEHOLDER of a product under consideration), by all means please share the information herein with your direct contacts.

As commodities trading moves into the future, we will continue to expand our product base in order to broaden our international exposure and reach. Therefore, we welcome new proposals from mandates, allocation holders, title holders, JVs, brokers, accountants, lawyers and other professionals involved in commodities. However, we do not get involved in long chains; if you have long chains, you must be prepared to introduce your direct source and take a back seat.

So far, if all these still look good and sound acceptable to you, please by all means know that we'd be glad to hear from you.

Thank you!

Consto Trades Mgmt 

We Need "SUPPLIERS"!!!

If you are a Supplier of any of the listed products below, we would be glad to review your offer/quote. To this end, you may consider this as our "request for quote" (RFQ). Please consider the basic information below that we will require you provide for starters plus a preferred procedure:
  1. Name of Product
  2. Specifications of Product
  3. Origin of Product
  4. Price of Product
  5. Payment Terms: Acceptable leading bank issued Pre advised UCP600 Letter of Credit Transferable Non Cumulative Revolving Guaranteeing 12 months total contract quote payable at sight of clean delivery documents. Pre advised DLC converts to active DLC once genuine verifiable proof of Interests in goods has been supplied. All cost for credit activation and transfer fees at cost for account of the buyer. Should buyer not accept the pre advised credit applications, Seller will accept only a bank issued Confirmed irrevocable Non transferable UCP600 credit.
  6. Performance Guarantee: Supplier offers Buyer LDD "Late Delivery Discount" as must be shown or offered on the supplier/seller's invoice to favor the buyer upon each and every failed delivery.
  7. Maximum Quantity of Product (MQP)
  8. Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ)
  9. Liftable Quantity of Product (LQP)
  10. Contract Period: 12 months initially, with possible rollover 12 x 12 per a total of 36 months at supplier/seller’s option for buyer’s further consideration.
  11. Delivery: Price quote; Strictly FOB Incoterms “Named Port of Shipment’
  12. Delivery Schedule: Please state your projected 1st Delivery Date
  13. Procedure:
    1. Buyer accepts offer and applies firm price basis (Allow 5 days);
    2. Seller confirms quote, Seller issues full draft contract;
    3. Buyer accepts full contract. Draft contract becomes formal Contract;
    4. Formal Contract signed returned by e-mail and overnight couriers;
    5. No. 2 to 4 above to be completed within 28 days; ...thereafter;
    6. Buyer issues financial instrument;
    7. Seller advises acceptance of DLC and issues PPI (policy proof of interest), (Allow 5 days);
    8. Buyer has 3 days to verify PPI, Pre advised DLC become operational and Seller initiates reservation of berthing at loading terminal;
    9. Buyer confirms reservation/ advises to seller name of each ship, ETA, Flag;
    10. First delivery Initiated, Documents produced
    11. At sight collection on DLC applied.
    12. Next shipment initiated- For a further 11 months
    13. Buyer to advise Seller one month before final shipment if contract is to continue with the shipment for a further 12 months. New Financial instrument advised.
  14. Rules: UCP600, ICC Incoterms 2000, URC 522, ICC Rules of Agency.
  15. Language: English language; English common law of contract
For Intermediaries/Brokers/Agents:
We will not be interested in long chain offers and would advise ONLY on deals with SUPPLIERS ONLY (not sellers, except on some preferred terms); and of course, i.e. after your due diligence or proper verification has been conducted with a descriptive note from you justifying same. You must also be willing to take a guaranteed back seat and allow us to take it from the moment we accept. If a supplier is not sourced in-house, we will not discuss money until we can vouch for supply source and the product of subject matter.

Commodities of Interest
  1. Crude Oil: BLCO (Nigeria), REBCO (Russia), Arab Light (Saudi Arabia), Forcados (Nigeria), Agbami (Nigeria), Aqua Iboe Light (Nigeria), Forties Blend, Kuwait Blend, Lion Crude, Canadian Par, Fateh (Dubai), Tijuana Light (Venezuela), Saharan Blend (Algeria), Minas (Indonesia), etc. 
  2. Refined Oil Products: Diesel Fuel (petrodiesel - D2, AGO, Gasoil), JP54 (Aviation Kerosene, Jet Fuel), Kerosene (heating oil), Bitumen, Mogas, LPG, LNG, M100 (Mazut), Fuel Oils, Gasoline, Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), Petrochemicals, etc.
  3. Solid Minerals: Iron Ore, Rutile, Bauxite, Barite, Copper, Bentonite, Limestone, Coal, etc.
  4. Other Products:
    1. Charcoal: Lump, Hardwood of various species
    2. Steel, Scrap Metals, Pre-fab Metals
    3. Aluminum
    4. Plastics
    5. Agro Products: Rice, Corn, Raw Cotton, Fertilizers, Peanuts, Sugar, Seafood, All types of Nuts, Natural Rubber, etc.
    6. Hardwares
    7. Clothings
    8. Security gadgets, GPS, & wears
    9. Hybrid Energy: Solar & Wind
    10. Medical & Pharmaceutical Products: Automatic Ventilating Machines, Disposals, Wheelchairs, Stretchers, Pads for Seniors & In-Patients, Inhalers, Chlorine for Water, etc.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Thoughts for the MOMENT!

"Nobody who ever gave his best regretted it."
- George Halas: a ballplayer, coach, and founder of the Chicago Bears.

"You are the right person, this is the right time, you've paid your dues, you're thinking the right thoughts, you're doing the right things, and this very moment, you are exactly where you're supposed to be... poised for the happiest time of your life."
- Message from the Universe

"So you've got a problem? That's good! Why? Because repeated victories over your problems are the rungs on your ladder to success. With each victory you grow in wisdom, stature and experience. You become a bigger, better, more successful person each time you mend a problem and tackle and conquer it with a positive mental attitude."
- W. Clement Stone

"Repeat anything often enough and it will become a part of your way of thinking."
- Hilton Johnson, CoachTrainer


You can not have success without dealing with problems.
Look for your opportunity in every difficulty
Instead of being paralyzed at the thought of difficulty in every opportunity.
Each new experience brings with it the seed of your success.
Even your current difficulties have within them opportunity.
Welcome your problems as opportunities.
Each moment is your greatest challenge and the best thing that ever happened to you.
The more difficult your problem, the greater the challenge in working it out.
When it's dark enough, you can see the stars.

Thoughts becomes things, choose the good ones!!!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

'New Offers' and an Intro to 'URPIB'

SPECIFICATION: Standard Specs in agreement with NNPC
QUANTITY: 5,000 MT x 12 Months with possible rollovers/extensions
DELIVERY DATE: 15 days after receipt of TPAC-DLC or Bank Guarantee
DELIVERY: FOB Cotonou Waters OR CIF Outside Bar Lagos
PRICE: Due to market fluctuations, please call for details. Thank you!
PAYMENT: By UCP600 Transferrable Pre-Advised & Confirmed Documentary Letter of Credit (TPAC-DLC), Payable at Sight

1. Seller and Buyer agree per Soft Corporate Offer (SCO) ‘subject to contract’;
2. Buyer sends Bank Comfort Letter (BCL) with authority for soft probe;
3. Both parties then review and sign the contract, Sales & Purchase Agreement (SPA);
4. Seller in turn issues a Pro Forma Invoice (PFI) to Buyer who accepts terms by signing and returning the PFI;
5. Buyer, in turn, issues a Documentary Letter of Credit (TPAC-DLC), PAYABLE AT SIGHT;
6. Seller verifies and confirms the TPAC-DLC, then issues a Proof of Policy Interest (PPI) Certificate for Buyer’s verification.
7. Seller, per CIF term:
    a. Charters vessel, and provides ETA and details of chartered vessel, etc.,
    b. Loads chartered vessel and sails for End-Buyer’s agreed Port of Discharge;
    c. Sends all documents of the cargo via email to Buyer and the originals to the Buyer’s Bank for full payment.
8. In case of FOB ABIDJAN term:
    a. Buyer charters his own vessel to come and load in Abidjan;
    b. Seller sends all the documents of the cargo via email to Buyer and the original to the Buyer’s Bank for full payment.
9. The said procedure continues in case of a contract term for the next 12 months; if SPOT deal, this term is subject to further review and agreement by both parties with possible extensions and rollovers.


Intro to 'URPIB'
This is to inform all readers of our blog that we also do reckon with FTN Exporting's UNIFORM RULES AND PRACTICE FOR INTERMEDIARIES AND BROKERS (URPIB).
URPIB encompasses a set of rules that are recommended for all commodity export dealers, and specifically designed for private or corporate intermediaries, brokers, agents and those intermediaries who are described as intermediate ‘buyers’ and ‘sellers’ worldwide. URPIB is considered to be the first uniform set of guiding rules of its kind, created by FTN Exporting and specifically for intermediary usage. Ideally such rules are ideally applied once FTN doctrine of trade has been studied.
Our guiding principles are based on strict but safe international trade rules of application such as: UCP500, URC522, Incoterms 2000, ICC Rules of Agency, UCP600, URPIB, etc.

Now Available for Sale!!!

Quantities Available in 20ft, 40ft, and 40ft High Cube containers.
The clothes are carefully graded to make sure there are no holes, tears or stains. Therefore, we don't ever bother to deal in the other popular but low quality grades A, AA, AAA, B, C, etc.

20 ft Container = 20,000 lbs = approx 9,072 kgs
40 ft Container = 40,000 lbs = approx 18,144 kgs
40 ft High Cube Container Load = 50,000 lbs = approx 22,680 kgs

Minimum Order = 1,000 lbs = approx 454 kgs


Tel. No: +1-817-691-1595
Tel. No: +1-214-801-3909
Or, send us an Email:

Thank you!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010



Product Type: CHARCOAL
Color: BLACK
Shape: LUMP
Wood Types: IROKO tree, OAK tree, MAHOGANY tree, IRON Woods, etc.
High quality hardwood lump charcoal
No Smoke, No Odor, & No Sparks
Ignites quickly, Burns Hotter, Cleaner, & Longer
Much Purer & Easier Cleanup
All natural, No Additives
No Chemical Enhancement
Lovely Natural Smoky Flavor on Food
High Density & Totally Carbonized
Size: 100-300 mm

Fixed Carbon Content................... 78-80% Minimum
Ash Content.................................. 3.0% Maximum
Volatile Content ........................... 12-13% Maximum
Moisture Content ......................... 1.0% Maximum
Burning Heat Rate......................... 23KJ/Min or 7400kcal/kg Minimum
Certificate/Inspection..................... SGS/Bureau Veritas on Buyer's Account
Product Usage............................... BBQ, Grill, Cook, Domestic, & Industrial
Conveyance/Delivery..................... 17 - 23 MT / 40" HQ
Packaging...................................... 50 kg per jute bag OR per Buyer's specs
Preferred Instruments..................... LC at Sight
Delivery Terms.............................. FOB Apapa-Lagos Port, Nigeria
Delivery Time ............................... 4 weeks after Purchase Order Confirmed
Minimum Order Qty (MOQ)......... 20 - 23 MT per 40" Container
Maximum Qty .............................. 1,000 MT x 12

Other Notes: 
  • Buyer appoints independent Inspection Agents for Q&Q certification; 
  • Printing of Customized Labels Available also at customer's request;
  • Samples are Available Upon Verification of Buyer Seriousness;
  • We send FREE SAMPLES through courier services on ground on Buyer's account;
  • We will provide Buyer with courier service contact info to inquire about costs of shipping;
  • If Buyer has a Courier International Membership Account, shipping is also FREE to Buyer!
  • Quality first, Prompt Delivery Next (for Relationship Building), while Rewards come Later!
* Price/package is subject to change without notice per market fluctuations.
5 kg J/Bag ………... 255 USD/MT ………… 23 MT/40" Container
10 kg J/Bag ………. 245 USD/MT ………… 23 MT/40" Container
20-25 kg J/Bag …... 235 USD/MT ……….… 23 MT/40" Container
50 kg J/Bag …....…. 225 USD/MT ……….... 23 MT/40" Container
Loose in Container .. 210 USD/MT ………..... 23 MT/40" Container

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


NEW DEALS as of June 15, 2010


Commodity: RUSSIAN D2 GAS OIL L.0.2-62, GOST 305-82
QUANTITY: Up to 2 million MT/mth x 12
Delivery: FOB Rotterdam
Price: USD $565/$555 per Metric Ton
Note: 200,000 MT available lift after SPA.

Commodity: AVIATION KEROSENE Colonial Grade Jet Fuel JP-54
QUANTITY: Up to 10,000,000 barrels / per months X 12 Months.
Delivery: FOB Rotterdam
Price: USD $ 75 / $72 per Barrel
Note: 1,000,000 barrels is available for lift after signing of SPA.

Quantity: Two (2) Million Barrels to Four (4) Million Barrels
FOB - $7/$5
TTO - $6/$4
TTT - $6/$4
CIF - $5/$3 to European Ports, $4/$2 to US Ports, $3/$1 to Asia Ports

BLCO Specifications are:
API Gravity 35.4°,
S.G. 0.85,
Sulphur 0.14,
Pour point -18°C,
TAN 0.27 mg KOH/g,
Nickel 3.6 wppm,
Vanadium 0.4 wppm,
Visc. (50°C) 2.9 cSt.
Sulfur Content is 0.2%

Thank you!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Need 100k MT of KEROSENE urgently!!!


Qty: 100,000 Metric Tons per Month
Spot/Contract: Contract x 24 months
Toal Qty: 2,400,000 MT spread over 2 yrs
Port of Discharge: Outside Bar Lagos, Nigeria
Flash Point: 45 Degrees Celcius / 113 Degrees Farenheit
Specifications: Standard Kerosene - K1

The other name for this type of "Kerosene" is "Heating Oil".
Kerosene is used as a cooking fuel, mostly restricted to some portable stoves for backpackers and to some less-developed countries, where it is usually less refined; usually contains impurities and even debris.

As a heating fuel, it is often used in portable stoves, and is sold in some filling stations. It is sometimes used as a heat source during power failures in developing countries.

Heating oil is a clean burning, highly efficient fuel that produces negligible amounts of smoke and soot emissions. Heating oils are graded 1 through 6, with Fuel Oil No. 2 being one of the most common.

As the name suggests, heating oils are primarily used in burners and furnaces to heat buildings and residences. It is typically stored in above ground or underground tanks near the point of use, with a key safety feature being that it will not burn in its liquid form. Depending on market supply and demand, heating oils can offer a cost-efficient solution to your energy needs.

Please submit your terms and procedure for review. Thank you!

The difference between a SEED and a FRUIT

Have you ever paused and wondered about seed, how it grows, the growing challenges, and the conditions in which it has to grow? I bet you must have heard about seeds and fruits in discussions many a time as well. Many of us hold these discussions without paying a real close attention to the seed-growing concept. Even if we start paying attention from hereon, the one million dollar question still remains, 'what is the difference between a seed and a fruit?' Though the effect is nothing but cause in another form, but frankly, there is no difference between a seed and a fruit. The whole intelligence of the fruit must be in the seed. The seed cannot grow into a fruit unless the intelligence of the fruit is embedded in the seed. You might not be able to see the fruit in the tiny seed but that doesn’t mean its not there, and that doesn't mean the intelligence of the fruit can’t exist in a subtle form in the tiny seed. The cause has to contain the intelligence to produce the required effect.

Why am I saying all these things? Because the wool/veil of concealment has just been recently removed from my inner eyes, that, we all have the abilities and causes to attract and produce all those fantastic things we dream. All we've got to do is meditate on the seed which we already own, which we already possess and then watch as the universe works it's magic filling us with the choices of love, light, abundance and joy.

We have every right to become rich.

We have every right to enjoy the best of relationships.

We have every right to benefit from healthy bodies and minds.

We have every right to each own businesses of our own.

All the good things in life should come to us. "Should", that is the word, and if they do not, there are ways and means for allowing them to come to us and this is why I am so excited to introduce tell you that the greatest wise men and women knew something about human consciousness that you are probably not aware of”. But this is coming as a wake up call to create a path for a better tomorrow from the ever flowing pool of eternal possibilities.

Change will happen with lightening speed. Abundance will come rushing to your doorsteps and love will light your way at every step once you understand the power of ramping up your consciousness using the vehicle of meditation or reengineering the way you think. Read the following books: "Think and Grow Rich", by Napoleon Hill; "Dianetics, The Modern Science of Mental Health" by L. Ron Hubbard; "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne, and you can also attend one of Sri Vishwanath's "No-Nonsense Meditation" teleseminars.

The first thing to understand is that Meditation is not an activity. It is not an exercise which you choose to do during certain times of the day. Meditation is like breathing. If you stop it you lose your awareness and connection with the life force. It has got nothing to do with sitting in one place and closing your eyes. Meditation is simply a medium to convert powerful thoughts into reality.

There is a old saying “ Every thought that you think is a little hammer blow on the lump of iron which our bodies are, manufacturing out of it what we want it to be. Words are secondary. Thoughts live; thoughts become things, because they travel far. So take care of what you think.” How do we do that? How do we take care of what we think? We all know that we have a past and our past shapes our present and out of our present evolves our future life. Why are we stuck up in our life? Why don’t we have the ability to convert our dreams into reality? What is stopping us?

"For a long time, it had seemed to me that life was about to begin- real life. But there was always some obstacle in the way. Something to be gotten through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, a debt to be paid. Then life would begin, I thought. At last, it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life...", so says Dr. Alfred Dsouza.

The supreme obstacle is the doorway to ultimate success. This is the highest truth. Your past is a fact. It is not a reality. Your current circumstances do not reveal your true nature. It only reveals your current state of thinking. So despair not. Your current circumstances can quickly be altered by changing your nature of thoughts. Look what I said. I said “by changing your nature of thoughts” .

Pay close attention to the lives all the great men and women, all their success stories, and you'll find a common thread amongst all of them... “That which you seek you already own. Acknowledge it and everything that you deeply cherish will manifest itself in abundance...”

What is the greatest mistake we make in reaching out for our dreams? We start with the assumption that we do not possess the fruit (goals). That we are lacking something and we focus more and more on the fruit and less on the abilities (seed and environment) which can help us grow the fruit.
- Much appreciation and credit to the most invaluable emails I received from Sri Vishwanath (The Secret Teacher).

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Welcome to Consto Trades Blogspot

If you need a reliable commodities trading company with whom to work; if you are sick and tired of agents or brokers who waste time, carry fake docs, and make bogus claims; if you agree that 98% of agents in this industry are scammers,  time-wasters, fraudsters and all, then we are happy to inform you that you need look no further. Consto Commodity Trades is your final answer and solution to all these concerns. We created this blogspot to share, encourage, enlighten, and promote our excellent trading practices in contrast to what is widely, but unfortunately known world-over in the commodities trading industry. We have evaluated the frustrations and gridlocks that many Buyers and Sellers experience on daily basis and resolved to bring solutions and relief to numerous parties who are interested ONLY in legitimate and authentic sources for reasonable deals.

Consto Trades LLP (dba Consto Commodity Trades) is a partnership corporation duly registered in the State of Texas, USA with services such as domestic business loan origination, global commodity brokerage, and trade representation for a wide range of physical commodities. We have a team of ethically sound and experienced trade agents with relevant educational background and years of experience in different fields that are in trade network with us as brokers, facilitators, intermediaries, papered mandates, and certified representatives, bringing serious Buyers, Sellers, and Suppliers to the table for trades in diverse physical commodities. We stand as a Reseller in some cases, direct source to Sellers/Suppliers in other cases; and an intermediary for both Sellers and Buyers in some others. Our primary goal is to facilitate deals while ensuring that ALL PARTIES to a deal EXPERIENCE a WIN-WIN SITUATION every single time AT OUR NEGOTIATION TABLE. We are very fair-minded, we work with diligence and all sense of purpose, but very firm in our standard principles and beliefs.
As trade merchants, brokers, intermediaries, and facilitators, our duties include ensuring both parties to a transaction ultimately agree to a set of procedure that will be acceptable to all concerned; especially if the two parties are dealing with each other for the first time. Below is a list of our preferred procedures as submitted in previous deals by sellers and buyers.

We hope interested parties would find these acceptable, appreciable, and also be Ready, Willing, and Able to proceed after due consideration.

Procedure Checklist
1. After a successful discussion about price and product specifications, Buyer issues either
  • LOI or BCL
  • authorization to verify funds
  • authorization for soft probe
  • and signs
    • ICPO (irrevocable corporate purchase order),
    • NCNDA (non circumvention, non disclosure agreement), and
    • IMFPA (irrevocable monetary fee protection agreement) 
2. Seller confirms the ICPO or makes a counter offer, with an FCO (full corporate offer)
  • availability
  • price
  • payment terms
  • delivery schedule
  • and signs IMFPA
3. Buyer
  • confirms the FCO or issues a counter offer
  • buyer signs and seals contract (sales & purchase agreement - SPA)
4. Seller
  • sends Draft Contract with
  • full terms and  
  • conditions
5. Buyer
  • signs the Draft Contract with notary 
  • seals it and sends hard copies of the Draft contract back to our Manufacturer by fax or email
6. If both Buyer and Manufacturer agree, then
  • Manufacturer will mail 5 original copies to the Buyer via DHL or FedEx
7. Buyer forwards to Manufacturer
  • Pre Advise SBLC or Partial Bank Guarantee
  • irrevocable
  • transferable
  • unencumbered
  • unconditional
  • 100% at sight
  • in the name of our main manufacturer
8. Seller
  • receives the Pre-Advised Bank Guarantee by fax or mail and

  • sends a copy to our main manufacturer by fax or email
9. Seller sends proof of product (POP)
  • in form of the letter from the manufacturer/plant
  • confirming the product to the Buyer's Bank and posts a 2% Performance Bond (PB) for the transaction
10. Loading commences as per schedule supplied in the contract
  • usually within 30 to 45 days from date of receiving an operative payment instrument
OR, Our preferred term - CIF:
1. Seller issues Contract with Full Banking Coordinates and Proof of Product
  • (POP)
2. Buyer and Seller
  • sign the SPA contract incorporating their full banking details 
  • parties deposit copy of properly executed SPA with their banks for the records
3. Buyer returns the signed SPA with:
  • a corporate undertaking to confirm RWA
  • the RWA shows that Buyer is to issue by SWIFT, BG, or MT760 POF after receipt and confirmation of the issued ETA by Buyer's storage tank farm
  • Buyer provides end-buyer's Discharge Port facility
4. Seller within 72 hours, Seller verifies POF and Buyer verifies POP respectively

5. Loading commences

6. Delivery at Buyer's preferred Port

7. Buyer's Inspectors
  • usually within 24 hours after berthing, Buyer's Inspectors conduct QandQ, sends certified report to both Seller and Buyer
8. Seller
  • collates all cargo info and marine docs, and
  • swifts same to Buyer's bank for payment
9. Buyer's Bank
  • Within 72 hours, Buyer's bank releases ALL payments including commissions by SWIFT to Seller and all middlemen.
Other Terms:
1. SELLER or seller's agent
  • issues soft offer
  • SCO to Buyer.
2. BUYER issues ICPO to Seller.
  • first response
  • issues draft contract to Buyer.
4. Seller and Buyer
  • Both parties sign the contract 
5. SELLER issues full POP, Allocation Number and Tank receipt via Seller’s Bank.
6. BUYER’s Bank issues Irrevocable Revolving Transferable Documentary Letter of Credit (IDLC).
7. SELLER issues 2% PB to activate Buyer’s payment instrument.
8. Payment instrument activated.
9. Delivery commences as scheduled, within 20 to 30 days.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Thoughts of the Month!

Life is largely a matter of expectation.
You must expect to succeed, if you want to succeed.
When you expect things to happen, strangely enough,
They do happen.
Expectation energizes your goals and give them momentum.
When you believe something good can happen, it will happen.
Set your goals high.
If you begin with some wild expectations
You'll succeed beyond your wildest expectations.
The dreams you believe in MUST come to be.

If you're willing to pay the price, any of your circumstances will change.
If you want something badly enough, you're sure to get it.
Obstacles don't matter very much.
Pain or other circumstances can be there.
But if you want to do something bad enough,
You'll find a way to get it done.
Your desire will in time externalize itself into concrete fact.
Your reality will form around your commitment to succeed.
Desire is the fire of life.
You only have to love a thing greatly to get it.

Your destiny isn't a matter of chance, it's a matter of choice.
It's not something you wait for, but rather something you pursue.
Don't wait for extraordinary opportunities.
Seize common occasions and make them great.
Opportunities sometimes come disguised
In the form of misfortune or temporary defeat.
Start where you are.
You're at this moment standing right in the middle of opportunity.
Act on your dreams and you can have them.
It's a universal law: You have to give before you get.
You must plant your seeds before you reap the harvest.
The more you sow, the more you will reap.
In giving to others, you will find yourself blessed.
The law works to give you back more than you have sown.
The giver's harvest is always full.
Those that obtain have little.
Those who scatter have much.
Nature does not give to those who will not spend.

"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity;
an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."
- Winston Churchill: a British statesman, author, and soldier

"There are many paths to enlightenment.
Be sure to take one with a heart."
- Lao Tzu: a Chinese philosopher

"Faith is a state of mind that can be induced
Through auto-suggestion" - Napoleon Hill

When "bad" things happen to "good" people,
It's often because they want to become even better teachers,
Better guides and helpers to those precious souls
Who will one day need them to be their rock.
Plus, today's bad is always tomorrow's boon,
No matter who you are,
No matter what has happened,
No matter how bad it seemed.

"As we let our light shine,
We unconsciously give other people
The permission to do the same."
- Marianne Williamson
If you look to others for fulfillment,
You will never truly be fulfilled.
If your happiness depends on money,
You will never be happy with yourself.
Be HAPPY with what you have; BUT NEVER SETTLE;
Rejoice in the way things are.
When you realize there is nothing lacking,
The whole world belongs to you.

"I found that when you start thinking
And saying what you really want,
Then your mind automatically shifts
And pulls you in that direction.
And sometimes it can be that simple,
Just a little twist in vocabulary
That illustrates your attitude and philosophy."
- Jim Rohn

"Energy flows where attention goes" - unknown

  1. What is the principle of auto-suggestion?
  2. Can I translate my dreams into organized thoughts?
  3. Am I a practical dreamer that never quit?
  4. Am I conscious of the dynamics of my subconscious mind?
  5. Do I refuse the beliefs that I don't understand or am I open-minded?
  6. What is faith and desire, and is there a difference between desire and burning desire?
  7. Am I a seeker of truth, then why am I here?

"The SECRET" The most powerful law in the universe. The knowledge of this law has run like a golden thread through the lives and the teachings of all the prophets, seers, sages and saviors in the world's history, and through the lives of all truly great men and women. All that they have ever accomplished or attained has been done in full accordance with this most powerful law.

Who is Bob Proctor?- find out in "The Science of Getting Rich"
Imagine landing on just one solution that catapults you to the life you always wished you'd have, one that's abundantly rich and rewarding in every facet. My exposure to Bob created a “mind-shift” – that’s the best word I can think of. Within ONE day I changed the way I looked at and approached my business. And its never been the same, upward motion, ever since!



Monday, March 15, 2010


- A revision to the previous 20 Preliminary Questions to Buyers.

Briefly stated, Consto Trades LLP (aka Consto Commodity Trades) is a partnership corporation duly registered here in the state of Texas, USA; our services include business loan origination limited to 48 states in the U.S. except Alaska and Hawaii for funds ranging from $10k to $3m; global commodity brokerage; and trade representation. We have a team of experienced agents with relevant educational background and years of experience in different business fields that are in trade network with us as brokers, facilitators, intermediaries and representatives, bringing SERIOUS Buyers, Sellers, and Suppliers to the table for trades in diverse physical commodities. Our primary goal here is to FACILITATE DEALS while ENSURING that ALL PARTIES to a deal experience a WIN-WIN SITUATION at the negotiation table.

For all ethical reasons, for confidentiality compliance and to avoid all potential circumvention in the interest of all parties to ANY AND ALL transactions to which we are a party, WE DO NOT RELEASE ANY INFORMATION TO ANY INQUIRER ABOUT ANY OF OUR AGENTS, BUYERS, SELLERS, and/or SUPPLIERS WITH WHOM WE DEAL WITHOUT CONDUCTING OUR 1ST LEVEL OF DUE DILIGENCE.
For us at Consto Trades, just as it is in the case of Sellers that have to answer 60 questions, the decision to work for a Buyer really depends on the response to the following 30 questions:
  1. Is the buyer window-shopping for this product at this time?
  2. Does the Buyer really need the product NOW?
  3. What quantity does your Buyer really have in mind?
  4. Does the Buyer have a maximum shipment quantity (for each delivery) in mind?
  5. Has the buyer shopped around for suppliers?
  6. Does he know the market prices?
  7. Does the Buyer have quotes from any other competitor?
  8. Has the buyer offered any price? ______; if so, what is the price?
  9. If the buyer has a price, where did it come from?
  10. Is the price realistic?
  11. What is the best price of a real, alternative supplier?
  12. Has the buyer bought this product before?
  13. Does he have a business license in the country he wants to do business?
  14. If you ask the buyer the amount of the total purchase, will he stumble or does he know what he's spending?
  15. Can the buyer pay for this purchase order?
  16. What is his payment instrument?
  17. When does he plan to pay? At sight of goods, as they leave the port, after SGS inspection, bill of lading?
  18. Are his other terms acceptable?
  19. To which port does he want the goods delivered?
  20. What is the discharge rate of that port?
  21. Is there a match between port discharge rate and buyer's quantity request?
  22. Does the Buyer have a preferred process or procedure?
  23. If the Buyer has, what is the preferred procedure? (please state fully)
  24. Will the Buyer sign an NCNDA/IMFPA agreement and have signature notarized?
  25. How long has the Buyer been in business?
  26. Does the Buyer have a reliable bank?
  27. Is it one of the world’s top 50 banks?
  28. What is Buyer’s response time to communications such as inquiries, concerns, questions, feedbacks, updates, etc.?
  29. For the agent representing the buyer, have you ever been paid by the Buyer?
  30. And, how long have you known this Buyer?

Title: Watch Bob Proctor's video